Diversified Adjusting in Belton MO

Diversified adjusting is a safe and effective approach to treating subluxations/misalignments in the spine. At Hampton Chiropractic, the Belton MO chiropractor will first take a history of your complaint and then assess the spine for restrictions and muscle tightness. Leg length analysis might also be done to rule in/out upper and lower spine restrictions. The goal of the assessment is to find out where the pain/problem is coming from.
Specific Chiropractic Adjusting in Belton MO
Once the misalignments in the spine are identified, the doctor will use his hands to deliver specific thrusts in the direction of the joint restrictions. Being able to identify the area that needs adjusted and then delivering the correct and precise adjustment takes much skill and a thorough understanding of spinal biomechanics. This is why randomly adjusting the spine or “self-adjusting” can actually cause more harm than good.
State Of The Art X-Ray
X-rays are sometimes needed to help in the assessment of the spine and to determine the specific needs of the patient. At Hampton Chiropractic, we also utilize a state of the art digital x-ray machine which produces quality images that will help the doctor in your specific treatment. Hampton Chiropractic has an x-ray machine on-site at its Belton location.
View the other techniques used by Dr. Hampton:
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm
Hampton Chiropractic
1131 E North Ave
Belton , MO 64012